Welcome all of our fellow Motosquirrels, Motomonkeys and all who co-align with the love and fanaticism which is Motorcycling.
Below you will find our current and most recent review of our favorite Motorcycle video channels. Please understand that this sampling is by no means an exhaustive list. It is, however, our chance to give you a brief sampling of some of our favorite moto-vloggers/personalities and why we appreciate these and so many others who possess many of the qualities described herein. Once you watch a few and find a channel you enjoy, we are positive that you will see what we see: the future of motorcycling is actually in some very good hands!
Sean is a powehouse of energy. Makes Moto life feel Good! (All original images are the properties of the original site and channel creators, manipulations used herein for illustration purposes only)
SRK Cycles (Plus Bikes and Beards):
There are very few riders out there who can balance being a father, a businessman, a YouTube channel host, a Christian, a salesperson and a VERY funny/inspiring individual. Sean of SRK will show you what is great about any bike without prejudice! AND he will make you laugh, church you up and make you feel encouraged for the future of Motorcycling!
Highlights: Sean showing you his individual triumphs and failures up close! His reminiscing of how he started his business. His and his workers small pranks and adjustments to the real headaches of running a used motorcycle dealership in Lancaster PA.
Low’s: Not many except when you catch Sean strutting and TRYING to be cool! – He doesn’t need to, cuz he already is!
(All original images are the properties of the original site and channel creators, manipulations used herein for illustration purposes only)
What can we say? We watch this channel in both Portuguese and in English! Located in Lisbon Portugal, Cager started riding motorcycles at a later age and quickly learned his craft enough to share his viewpoints and opinions about all things Moto!
With an eye for great design and surrounded by one of the world’s most beautiful environments, Cager shows us why so many bikes should attract our attention.
Portuguese end to end group ride! Cager’s sneak peeks around Lisbon.
Cager getting hurt too often from riding too fast more recently! Have fun Cager…… But rein it in a little!
The Bike Show
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The Bike Show:
Out of Johannesburg South Africa, Matt Durran and Donovan Fourie and occasional guests give the viewer a playful breakdown of motorcycling’s very best with fun banter and unabashed fearlessness. Matt Durran rides motorcycles as if he is in his twenties and Donovan Fourie provides creative humor as if he were a senior comedic talk show host. Both can ride and entertain with the best of them!
Showing the realistic differences between bike offerings by different manufacturers and actually riding them in diverse environments. Comedic sketches of the past are woven into memorable reviews!
Why is Matt stuck in Germany? Where is Harry? In a world where everyone is doing each other wrong is there ever a chance for forgiveness?

(All original images are the properties of the original site and channel creators, manipulations used herein for illustration purposes only)
Motorcyclist Magazine:
WOW! Hey Ho!
Where to we begin and where do we go?

Zack Kicking butt on the road with a smile on his face fer sure! (All original images are the properties of the original site and channel creators, manipulations used herein for illustration purposes only)
Originally under Bonnier Group- This is, perhaps, the largest purveyor of motorcycle magazines in the world. Most recently acquired by Octane Financial group, this grouping of sister magazines (About 7) supported under this new venture predicts a future where all things on two wheels is most likely in good hands.
The massive history of Bonnier Group’s marquee’s (Cycle World etc.) and their magazine titles, distribution, vendors and influence are too great to unravel here and are not the focus of this summary. What IS the focus of this summary is to point out the huge influence that this video channel presence alone (Via Youtube) has had on it’s many hundreds of thousands of subscribers. Hiring, early on, Ari Henning and then, later, his compatriot Zack Courts, this company allowed a young dynamic duo of hipster millenial motorcyclists to entertain the world- One Wild and fantastic ride at a time via their series “On Two Wheels”.
Their reviews of taking a Honda Gold-Wing to Laguna Seca track (With two men on board!), or Grom-Type hooliganizm are absolutely legendary and worth watching! Zack Courts came into his own via MC Commute providing daily insights to motorcycles on his commute via motorcycles in review (Often very insightful).

Zack and Ari BFF’s ……and in the history books! (All original images are the properties of the original site and channel creators, manipulations used herein for illustration purposes only)
What was, what is now and what will be:
Running in parallel during this period of Motorcyclist’s rise to fame with their Dynamic Duo, there were other journalist-riders worth all their weight in gold and then some; pounding the pavement, filming themselves, freelancing and critiqueing hundreds of products so that we DON’T have to!
Enter: Adam Waheed.

Take Heed! This man is more capable than you know! (All original images are the properties of the original site and channel creators, manipulations used herein for illustration purposes only)
Having watched Adam from his first foible beginnings on Youtube etc. -whether as a solo journalist or freelancer working for such channel titles as MotoUsa and Riders Domain, we cannot help but sit back in amazement at this man’s energy, perspectives, riding experience and REAL identification with the common rider. His personal insights on what is important about any given bike or piece of gear will always leave a rider thinking NEW thoughts on their possiblities and purchasing perspectives. Can he ride? Hell Yes! Take a look at his older videos under the aforementioned channels and especially his own under the channel name/banner: “Heed”(Now on hiatus with his employ at Octane). Adam can teach you how to ride, espouse the benefits of a particular bike or wax poetic about any certain engine; all while traveling at 140 miles per hour on a GP track! See his reviews for both MotoUsa and Riders Domain to catch a glimpse of his versatility as a journalist. (The Learning how to shift a motorcycle vid under his Heed channel is a must for beginning riders!)
Motorcyclist Magazines High’s and Low’s (Too many….but a few placed below)
Ari and Zack taking bikes into strange new situations whether a Versys 300 or Groms on the streets of San Francisco. Watching them take both the Ducati and Triumph scramblers on an ADV explorer competition comes to mind……plus Ari’s mechanical skills!
Zack’s signature gaffawing, unmasculine giggle……THERE we said it! Stop!

Adam Waheed takes flight as he easily espouses the bennies of owninga CRF250RX while jumping 7 or more feet…… (All original images are the properties of the original site and channel creators, manipulations used herein for illustration purposes only)
Whenever Adam Waheed get’s to speak his mind, wax poetic or speak extemporaneously while riding a bike! Sometimes you think that the Heed doesn’t need to have his hands on the bars and that he could do surgery while riding a motorcycle! (See recent Honda CRF250RX MC Commute review!).
We wanted to hate young Michael Gilbert for his too high-school cheerleader year-book photo teeth together smile………….(A generational thing?) BUT! Big but here: Michael is winning us over one video at a time! You can tell he loves ALL kinds of bikes! That’s good!
When Adam has to hit the OEM talking points for a bike review. He ends up sounding mechanical or like William Shatner as Captain Kirk with staccato stops and starts. Come on Octane! Let this man speak freely! We love it!

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“Let’s Go For A Ride!” -The most copied and original all in one Moto channel. Love him or hate him, there can be no doubt that before Cyclecruza existed, there were very few, if any, riding-the-streets based personality driven Moto channels. Whether waxing poetic about the benefits of the mind cleansing one may experience while riding or moralizing the do’s and don’ts of wheelies, Cyclecruza’s emphasis is always on teaching new riders moto-skills and minor bike customizations.
Pulling wheelies, outrunning the law and capturing it all on film!
Pulling wheelies, outrunning the law and capturing it all on film!- Only then instructing his audience/subscribers not to! Constantly pushing his merhandise as well as that damn airbag vest! Reclusive to a fault!
(All original images are the properties of the original site and channel creators, manipulations used herein for illustration purposes only)
Having a channel before even owning a more permanent enduro motorcycle himself, Tyler soon gained fans beyond the Salt Lake City area as he more personalized his off road Moto-learning in the Dirt Canyons of that areas majestic ranges, hills and valleys. With Mr. Dub Factor and other moto/enduro experts as his well-earned fans and friends, Tyler has matured into one hell of an advanced film maker and off-road rider. Get ready to learn!
He WILL teach you how to ride cheaply, effectively and safely in an almost indescribably beautiful but rugged American environment. He also offers personal guided rides/tours of his area.
The RX3 review.(He made up for it with the RE Himalayan!). When Ty get’s down…..buddy- It’s America- WE ALL DO! There are probably 4 Billion peeps out there who would gladly trade their own for your life, your wife and…..your strife! Keep up the great work.

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Drivemag Riders (Now known as: Racing and Adventure):
This channel hosted by the dynamic duo of both Christion and Bogden is quite possibly the most important and communicative motorcycle review work being done. This Youtube presence is only one outlet of this moto review consortium based in Romania. The vast skills, creativity, comrardarie, hosting chops, editing abilities and genuine love of all things bikes places these reviewers well above most others. Whether it is riding all the way down the South American coast or your not-so-typical VS. type commuter review- these wild and wise Romanians are the real deal!

Christian (Co-Host) pulls out their first Youtube award! (All original images are the properties of the original site and channel creators, manipulations used herein for illustration purposes only)
Unboxing videos of actual brand new OEM motorcycles with the excitement of Christmas mornings.

Yep! All THAT and this man is a great mechanic too!
Lows: When there aren’t any of their videos to watch!

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We are so jealous of Missenden Flyer that we will not cater to his fame by indulging anymore of this positive synopsis!- NO! Just kidding! This video host is quite the envy of many a middle aged motorcycle rider. The Missenden Flyer seems to have it all: humor, biking knowledge, a willingness to give fair reviews, straightforwardness, ownership of some great and iconic bikes, more and more respect in the industry, gets great bikes to review, has a wonderful house, flies planes, has a Podcast….on….and ….on…………….ummmm NOPE we’re NOT jealous! His channel grows as a bean to a Giant! Did we mention tours?- Yep! Could easily become the new king of Motovlog reviewers.
When Andy let’s his non-hair down and has fun with other hosts such as Lambchops. That one drone shot of a church in Winter U.K. . Also his trip past Germany into the Cold Countries….excellent! Did we mention the Canary Islands….um Yep! Excellent photographs as well………….OK enough!
Although we (As both viewers and creators who want our FREEDOM back to say anything we wish and some monetization without a shadow ban or “Policies” to adhere to) are being consistent when we say that we would forever defend your right to say anything you feel Missenden, that stated: we cringed when you formerly made snide comedy at the Jazz and small car drivers who slowed your cycling progress! Small cars to big cars and small bikes to big bikes…… We all start somewhere. His pronunciation/exclamations of the U.S. western phrase “Ye-haw”- NOT….. Andy, it’s utterance begins from the GUT not the back of the mouth and…..wait for it…..it is many beats longer as in “Yeeeeeeeee-Haaaaaaah” with barely a “W” sound at the end! Please get it right or stop. (Stated with love and affection Andy!)

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This man’s laugh and love of motorcycles is infectious. Riding mostly the smaller roads and green lanes skirting the outsides of London, Mr. Fish will take you along with his contemplations of motorcycle choices, his reviews and his takes on all kinds of bikes. His willingness to appreciate lower powered bikes, smaller scale mounts and a great knowledge of what makes a certain model more important to the rider, could someday, set a new standard for moto reviewers.
When he’s in the mood, Mr. Fish will deliver a bike review better than anyone out there, seriously. His friends Richy Vida and Teapot better watch it! Their triple hosted travel log on small displacement Honda super cubs and a Sinnis 125cc to Wales more recently is a great one.
Not many. Except that he goes back and forth between larger and smaller bikes to own as his personal stead. It’s like he’s that classically huge guy who wants to own the small Volkswagen beetle so that he may feel small enough to fit in it! Once he’s been riding in it he wants the larger vehicle again and around around he goes! Just always own both!

The Godzilla of online motorcycling gear retailers and distributors, this juggernaut (And almost Network) has the financial capacity to sponsor or salary many motorcycling reviewers, podcast hosts and creative programs. There is little likelihood of any moto fan not being aware of this company’s presence. In the beginning, or about 10 years ago, it was all about quick video demos with a few Revzilla personalities including, mainly, the company’s cofounder named Anthony. These were very quick and well liked tabletop reviews and not the in-the- field, long-term first person (After the fact) type of reviews brought more intimately by non affiliated Motovloggers etc.
The Mighty Rev has grown and acquired for the 2020 season, two of the most influential video personalities (And their filmer/editor/director named Spencer), namely, Zack Courts and Ari Fleming. Formerly working for the Marquee of Motorcyclist Magazine (Bonnier) and heading the video series of both On Two Wheels and MC Commute, this creative and dynamic threesome brought fantastic, often humorous, filmmaking into a somewhat stagnate moto-video environment. Their films are beyond memorable- They still garner hundreds of thousands of views even to this day.

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Already having some great Moto Personalities such as “Spurge” and “Lemmy” at the ready within Revzilla, it will prove interesting to see where Rev takes these talents as well.

Ah…..the good ol’ days when Anthony (CEO) would be selling you the things (He may not have tried) by which he just pulled out from warehouse boxes…. (All original images are the properties of the original site and channel creators, manipulations used herein for illustration purposes only). Note to staff: TRY not to make fun of smaller moto-vloggers doing the same thing!
We wil NOT add Highlights and Low’s here. There are too many! It would require a book! Checkout Daily Rider (Transmutation of MC Commute) Common Tread (Transmute of On Two Wheels) HSLS or Highside Lowside, The Shop Manual and their reviews of course!
Sidenote: When Lemmy and Spurge are allowed to espouse their own knowledge about bikes (I.MotoSqh.O.) freely, they provide an East Coast Grit, likeability and sense of reality that the others just cannot. They can keep it real!

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Being one of the very first, if not the very first, online digitally published motorcycling magazines complete with reviews, how to’s, bike vs. bike, general industry news and op-ed’s, it goes without saying that they were one of the very first to jump on the Youtube video platform. There have been many print journalists and video personalities to appear and disappear from Motorcycle.com. Tom Broderick, Evans Brasfield (Still in the background) and the legendary Kevin Duke.
Nowadays this channel seems to struggle like so many who must find ways to survive within an economy that has been destroyed by a faux pandemic, an industry that doesn’t know how to reach young audiences, young audiences who don’t wish to reach anything but game controllers and the VERY real ways to make a motorcycle publication pay! Hang in there Motorcycle.com! We see a new generation of teenagers who are quite bored with their smart phones, overly tech existance and computer aided lives……….Get them to BRAPP and they will never go back!
Watching John Burns and all of his eclecticism, comedic anecdotes and parodies all while reviewing a motorcycle! When host Troy is actually having a good time and not taking himself too seriously. Evans giving his true opinion on the Harley Street 750 and divulging that it was/has an almost impossible riding position triangle. Their reviews of liter class Dual-Sports ALWAYS worth watching!
When our fearless hosts/reviewers are afraid to give their true opinion of any given bike.

(All original images are the properties of the original site and channel creators, manipulations used herein for illustration purposes only)
Do you love Air-Cooled “Dirt-Pig” duallies that can roam the bush or outback? So does Mark Victor. About eight years ago Mark started taking his cruiser further and further down dirt roads outside of Bendigo Australia. Soon realizing a cruiser’s off-road limits, our middle age hero purchased a slightly used DR 650. He modded and customized it to his liking and eventually gained a following as he posted his non-mechanic non-professional rider experiences fixing and riding his bike in his “Man-Cave”.
This channel offers a very intimate look into the lifestyle of an Australian who loves his country, is creative and sponsors rides throughout the outback.
Watching Mark trying a new gadget, explaining something that he learned and camera work that has to be seen to be appreciated! Also his wife Naomi and all of her crafting, graphics as well as building talents. If you’re a person who likes to do things D. I Y., this could be a great channel to pay attention to!
Mark! Stop forgetting things mate! Maybe you cook too much on aluminum or tin (Alzheimers). Stay away from the soft metals.

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Pavlin hails from Bulgaria and hosted most of his videos from his newly adopted location of Germany. He is a world adventure traveler who has spent many tens of thousands of kilometers on both little explored paved and unpaved roads from Mongolia, Eastern Europe into many other places. Many current adventure riders can thank Pavlin for endeavoring many rugged routes which are now paved roads because of his courage and stamina. He is an exceptional storyteller through the use of film and excellent photography.
Think you got what it takes to travel like Pavlin? Sure you do! He’s already been there, shown you how and paved the way- literally! Prepare to learn.
Everything! His more recent laid-back touring of his re-adopted home country of Bulgaria (This should be a rentable movie series on Bulgaria alone).
None. It’s time to Man-up or Woman-up: what’s your excuse?

Mark Pulling:
A returning Motovlogger/Reviewer who comes from the south of England. Mark is here to give it to you straight. No super crazy camera angles, cheesy music, wild eyed endorsements or product placement here thank you very much! It’s just our host, his riding knowledge, opinions and familiar territory which makes this channel refreshing. Mark will often give you a tiny detail or factoid which you, the possible bike buyer, might not have considered. We recommend checking to see his opinion/review of a bike before many. He does not have a million reviews under his belt. Like so many Youtubers, we imagine, he must balance a career or day job until more moto opportunities spill his way.
More recently providing us with the seat height and profile view of himself on the bike in review. Hey! Mark is showing his face! It reveals that he has a great passion for bikes and it shows!
Don’t try to make your channel too “Cool”. Keep to one opening and stick with it Mark. We like your honesty and simplicity.

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Think you know how to lane split? No you don’t. But The Royal Jordanian does! A daring and talented motorcycle rider from London UK, our host will take you on a fast paced blast through the city streets on his commute to and from work in the city. The best part is his “Taking the Piss” out of the goofy pedestrians as they react to his variously “Brappy” and classic motorcycles.

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This man is a superstar! The amount of people he has inspired, alone, to ride motorcycles either by watching his channel or encountering him on his favorite bikes while on the street: if monetized fairly, should have made this gentleman a multimillionaire already!
Sidenote: The Industry is putting money in the wrong places….

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Before the days of “Strikes Against” and motovloggers attempting to make Youtube into careers, there were vloggers who actually just wanted to show others how to do things! Enter Derek or “Del” of Delboy’s Garage. If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to fix your motorcycle by hand, this quite possibly may be the very best place to start!
Undo your bias for, perhaps, a super slick and sterile dealership type of motorcycle garage and watch how a single and very independently creative mechanic shows you how you can do many things for your bike completely on your own. He likes to do his own motorcycle rebuilds and customizations as well! Dell also knows how to keep things cheap! Pro mechanics are jealous …..but secretly still watch….
Question and answer sessions with Dyson!
We miss Penny

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See Jamie ride, see Jamie cook, see Jamie smile, see Jamie camp and see Jamie take his shirt off……. Yes this is mostly a motorcycle lifestyle/travel type of channel. It is not here to provoke thought or to make you agonize over a future bike purchasing decision!
Not unlike Bear Gryls, Jamie quietly expects you to suspend your disbelief (Or be absorbed in very great moto photography) as the hidden camera person is often experiencing the same great and often outdoor locations as he is while reviewing cool motorcycles and gear. Jamie’s love of Motorcycles is palpable and forever infectious!
If you can get over the fact that this gifted rider from the UK will never break the “Fourth Wall” and allow you, the viewer, to experience a real person within- Jamie will, however, take you for a hell of a ride!
Jamie’s trips to Columbia, Thailand and Japan! We never wanted to visit Columbia until this video! This rider and his toddler son on the back of a Ducati Scrambler 800 (Video Gold).
Jamie’s father visits from the UK and gets a ride in a Ural- hilarious! Once in a while a REAL Jamie comes through getting ticked off or espousing the benefits of lane filtering in Southern California.
Always product placement. Always semi naked Jamie placement…

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Hailing from the Philippines, Gakimoto is a chick who is only 5 foot two and can probably ride better than you! Whether she is showing off a demo bike or out riding one of her own favorite steeds from home, “Gakimoto” will let you know why she loves the bikes she loves! This is desperately important to our smaller statured riders or our girl riders who want to ride the biggest bike that they can comfortably!
Gakimoto visiting the U.S. and comparison between Ninja 400 and RC 390. Her all girl rides (Girls can RIDE!) and her visits to Motorcycle Events.
Tiny girl graphics can get old! Come on Gaki! You have got what it takes to be a serious motorcycle journalist/reviewer world renowned!

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This man deserves all the attention he gets. And, if Youtube monetization was forthcoming, Lambchops would be worth multi-millions!
Beginning a few years back by rebuilding a used Honda Fireblade right down to its electronics and every bolt, John- our host, took himself to uncomfortable mechanical depths so that WE didn’t have to! This garnered him quite a bit of local motorcycle magazine attention and soon he decided to trim his beard, stand upright, smile for the camera and make his “Curtain Twitching” neighbors cringe as he would wheelie by on super-motos. He is a natural, likeable and forgivable ham!
His subscribership should be huge. We feel that, perhaps, living within a tattle-tale environment such as the UK has garnered secret strikes against his channel, IP and his channel is kept on a choke. Like so many, John must balance work and Moto-Video life simultaneously.

Scott Werner, Is an Ex-Pat living and working with his family within Germany. Not unlike Mark Pulling (Also referenced in this article), Scott wants to give his audience the real skinny, straight without the unnecessary bufoonery and machismo. It’s just Scott and the bikes he reviews. Combine this with knowledge, good taste, patience, great camera coverage and a refreshing taste in music as well as environment…..well there is “Nothing” stopping Scott but his brakes from being one of the better trusted reviewers out there!
Scott’s Alps trips and the few times he offers riding tips. Also his re-visit to the Indian FTR 1200. YOU know when Scott likes a bike!
Seeing Scott have a hiccup around a first-time corner on the electric Zero bike. How many reviewers are we going to see almost dish-it or get killed on these stupid electric things! Take care Scott!

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This channel could be the most cinematic experience that one may experience on Youtube. Throw in the fact that the story lines, products reviewed and film work are mostly done by two people, namely- Ryan and his behind-the-scenes cinematographer/director ‘Dnesh (Could be ‘Gnesh). Instead of figuring out what retailer this channel is connected to, why not just watch and realize that this dynamic duo are encouraged to say what they wish, be as creative as they can and…..allowed to express themselves and their greatness! Refreshing, whether corporately sponsored or not.

(All original images are the properties of the original site and channel creators, manipulations used herein for illustration purposes only)
There are NO Lowlights! Just watch it! (Even non-moto-heads do!)