


Bates “Beltline” Motorcycling Boots Review


Bates Beltline Boots Rock! Or Hip Hip (Whichever you prefer!)


We here at Motosquirrel are for the most part city dwellers! Good Ol’ urbanites! (Maybe not for long- stay tuned for updates!). And what motivates and moves us out, about and around the city whether on our motorcycles or just walking around, are well made shoes!

Newer generations of humans (Had to add this zinger!) sort-of have a mixed understanding, experience or opportunity to enjoy well made footwear. It seems that it has been many decades since the US or other western countries either imported hand crafted shoes, supported local footwear makers or as is the case with many boot manufacturers, have instead, decided to produce most of their products overseas.

I recall the years upon which companies, U.S. politicians and local retailers tried to convince we the buyers and end users of products that all of this future foreign production would mean a win-win for everyone! “Prices will go down”,- Boy were we duped! Nowadays, most of us have had to pay a heavy price for, often it seems a lack of quality. (See Goofy Anecdotal Shoe Story in my most recent BLOG)


Enter Bates Boots and Footwear


Bates has been manufacturing all things military, outdoors, working security as well as industrial and casual work-day shoes and footwear since 1885. An American company (Cool!) that is located in Massachusetts, Bates prides itself on still making a good percentage of their offerings right here within the good Ol’ U S of A!. Note: We at Motosquirrel will never turn a blind eye to poor products or poorly designed items or their combinations whether made in the U.S.A.or not.










But what makes us most happy is when there is a local maker (Bates combines US production with overseas as well to survive) of well made and designed products that are worth their pricing as well as supporting our own economy and jobs. What makes Bates even better is that they have branched off into…..wait-for-it…Motorcycling Footwear and Boots! Visit the Bates website and you will find a surprising array of varied purpose shoes and boot gear that can and will keep your feet happy. 

What you will also find on this site and at “Big Box Interweb” Motorcycling products resellers, is a ton of great 4 out 5 reviews that are very positive for many of Bates’ offerings. For the very few negative reviews that we saw, these are usually due to an extreme fitting issue or that the shoe didn’t exactly fit the desired purpose of the rider etc.

Motosquirrel is a hard judge of shoes and a strong critic of quality (…..See our recent “Goofy Anecdotal Blog Story in our recent blog!). But, like everyone else in this poor economy, we cannot always afford the quality that we expect as well as Companies not being able to offer quality, seemingly, at any price! What is a poor Motosquirrel to do? It seems that every buyers expectations have recently been lowered.

Let’s take it backwards. Let’s frame Motosquirrels’ more recent motorcycling boots requirements. Recently, we at Motosquirrel were in need of a relaxed city type commuter boot. We didn’t want a boot that looked all “Motorboot” and definitely not all GP or squid racer. These new boots needed to look more normal, like walking boots or athletic trainers etc. The style didn’t matter, but we wanted to avoid the “Wow!- did you ride hear?” response by folks we encounter. It is not that we aren’t PROUD riders here at Motosquirrel, it is only that sometimes……say when you are applying for a loan within a bank or meeting someone new (Who may be deciding on their trust of you), we may want a clean slate without any preconceived notions of who you are. We can always tell them that we are Motor-Heathens at a later date; AFTER THEY FALL IN LOVE WITH US AND GIVE US THE LOAN!




Whew! Ok, so the look has to be discreet. We also wanted a boot that is protective enough for up to about 40 mph traffic, easy to remain wearing around the office, comfortable enough to walk in within a reasonable distance as well as being able to manipulate


our motorcycles’ controls.

The Beltline line seemed to fit the bill, but there is a bitter-sweet caveat. This particular style of boot by Bates is being ….DISCONTINUED. Should YOU, dearest and smartest reader, CONTINUE to read on now that you have gotten this discont. info?- Why Yes! Because (Sweet Part) Bates, based on the success and few criticisms of their Beltline line are continuing to finesse this design into a better boot and offering. (We will be reviewing their usurper at a later date, but this review gives this line it’s foundation).


After our receipt of Beltlines we were impressed with their quality of packaging and attention to details. The big blue shoe box itself is a “Saver” and quality item if you wish to store other things or for giving these boots as gifts. Inside, were well placed information, great shipping padding as well as a nice little Bates sticker.


The boots presented themselves as well made and a bit stiffer than you may think. Although these shoes lack any real lateral ankle safety padding or plastics, they do indeed have a stiff feeling, yet still offer a flexible enough for walking, sole system.


Covering both toe fronts of these shoes are shifter protection panels which areconstructed of toughened black PVC type material. No single sided protection here! Various strips of leather and man made leather, synthetics as well as molded plastics are double sewn throughout. Excluding the red color high thread content outside paneling (In this iteration red), the shoe is bordered in black throughout, effectively being a two-tone black and red affair.



The profile of the Beltline is where things get interesting. Seen from the sides, this set of shoes has the silhouette of that of “Boxing Shoes”. They have a somewhat flat sole that only rises moderately in the mid sole where there is a mild bump meant to catch the foot pegs of a motorcycle on either side. At this same spot you will find a carbon weave decorated mid sole foot ridge support panel molded for support. 


Combine these with a very cupping heel space and you have a very form-fitting and comfortable riding or walking (Perhaps up to a few miles per day limit) mid ankle motorcycling shoe.

Small and surprising as well as patent applied for features make this line really stand out.

Being lace-ups, Bates didn’t just stop there! Knowing that it is in a cyclists best interest to keep any and ALL shoe laces out of the way, they intentionally patterned these shoes with hidden shoes eyelets that still allow for adjust ability while maintaining safety. Furthering this safety theme, Bates designed a “Molle” type attached band (Patent Applied For) that covers and holds the tied lace grouping at the top of the shoe after you are done tying them- safe and out of the way. (This is a great feature but doesn’t live up to it’s intended purpose until the second version of these shoes in our opinion). Also you will find a heel cup that surrounds the rear heel area as well as having quality shoelaces included.


Inside you will find Bates’ own sewn in water proof layer throughout the shoes interior up to about the final comfort cushion at above ankle. The molded tread is very grippy, oil resistant and does not impede shifting or braking in any way. Also worth noting is an edging of protection surrounding the bed of this shoe which rises about an inch (This was accidentally tested by us….more on this later- read on!)

Overall, we found these boots to be very comfortable, even though we prefer boots with a moderate heel and lean forward cant. One thing worth noting about this pair of Bates boots is that they do not suffer from the all-to-often found “Duck Bill” up-swept toe front found on many poorly made shoes bought today and for the last fifteen years or so. (Manufacturers do this to save money and time by not forming or curing, sewing or fitting shoes off the bias- NO ONE should be wearing duck-billed shoes unless they are worn out (Reference old clowns of yesteryear).

We had the opportunity to ride these fantastic shoes for about four hundred miles over a three week period. We can honestly say that not only were these shoes comfortable, BUT we have proof that they are protective. On one occasion, this Motosquirrel accidentally caught his foot between the collapsing centerstand and the kickstand already up in it’s place! Essentially the left shoe was being crushed straight-on from the toe tip up front (Against the centerstand) and the resting kickstand as I rolled off the stand to begin a ride. Let’s put it this way…..if these shoes had been casual shoes I would have likely severely sprained some toes or even broke some digits! Yes, it’s true, there are likely a thousand mega-core super boots that would have and WILL protect my feet better than the Bates. But, the Beltlines allowed me to walk around all day in comfort as well! They look pretty cool, are incognito and are also easy to get along with.

We, at Motosquirrel, definitely recommend giving the Bates Beltline a spin if you are searching for a pair of casual boots or shoes and still want to maintain a level of protection while riding around town!









As of this writing, the red and black Beltlines as reviewed are currently the lowest priced Bates motofootwear boots. The color is O.K. with some riders, but not others. Bates and other retailers are offering this series up to 50% off. Retailers such as Revzilla are running low on sizing and it is always worth a look on Amazon for leftover sizes or unusual sizes etc. We found the Beltlines as low as $49.99 U.S. and $114.99 for the step up to all black. HAPPY HUNTING!

PLEASE NOTE: Motosquirrel and this review site offer opinions only. See professionals for expert advice as we do NOT represent any manufacturer or retailer mentioned herein. Shoppers should do their own research!

Bates Beltlines Pros and CONS:


  • Form fitting sneaker like boot !
  • Good shifting feel
  • Easy to walk in
  • Very good street grip
  • Waterproof


  • More REAL Leather Please!
  • Patented Lace Keeper could Work BETTER
  • Too Hot and NOT very breathable
  • Color combination could be better imho!

Sunday Morning Ride!



Got my riding boots- ‘Check!, got my earplugs- ‘Check!, got my house keys- ‘Check!, got my water bottle- ‘Check!, got my riding pants and jacket- ‘Check!, got a chance to hug the Mrs. on the way out…….- ‘Check!


I live near Lake Washington, more specifically, quite close to Seward Park. No, I do not live in one of the million or two million dollar wanna-be Bill Gates mansions- maybe someday!


To anyone not familiar with this area let’s just suffice it to say that the more green you have the more blue you see…..and the less green you have the more ‘Boys in Blue’ you hear or see on a daily basis!


With that said, I am going to admit straight off at my own possibly perceived hypocritical frustration this morning. You see, about a quarter of a century ago if you asked me if car drivers had any rights I may have responded quickly and rudely with, perhaps, “F-*k NO!”. At that time I was absorbed in all things bicycle. I was living in NYC and had never owned a car. This is when Greenism (To coin a word) hadn’t become a full-on and corporately accepted religion yet (Think early nineties).


Don’t misunderstand, it is not that in this era I actually THOUGHT that cars (Let’s call them ‘Cagers’ here on out O.K.?) shouldn’t or didn’t have any rights. It is just that as a Bicycle shop employee, sometimes bike messenger, and all around N.Y.C. Cyclist about town it was common among other cyclists to see the cars on the road as competition or the “Enemy”. We knew, at that time, that cars were the dominant mode of transportation whether they be bus, commuter, taxi or city work vehicle. We didn’t ride in the middle of the road – never having any false allusions that our puny bicycles could compete with the tonnage of larger vehicles in the same lane. If you truly wanted to get anywhere within the city, as a cyclist, you quickly learned to ride on the severe left or right and sometimes feathering in between to get out front of traffic. 


We took great pride in our own riding abilities and the skills of other riders to sort-of swim upstream through traffic. It was a fluid and more physical obstacle dance that tested the agility of all riders IN THE FLOW of traffic BUT never AGAINST IT! 


I remember vividly seeing the fatal moments of a messenger friend catching a car door opening only to allow his final acrobatic as he triple gained to the ground ending his life. I also recall a ONE LEGGED messenger who, although I cannot remember his name, would ride all day only to get up in the morning, get himself and his bike on the train, get out and up the stairs into Manhattan to do it again the next day!


Without waxing nostalgic or reminiscing about the “Good Ol’ Days”, I can, without a doubt, tell you now that not a single rider ever talked about or considered blocking traffic or expected the city to conjure or construct “Bike Lanes”. On the contrary, we took great pride in our abilities, athleticism, bike handling skills as well as accepted the risks very seriously but without expectations of compassion. Riding as a bike messenger, delivery person, private messenger, or bike commuter was a very dangerous but respected activity.


Did minor battles, arguments, accidents, shouting matches, physical confrontations ever erupt between Cagers and cyclists? Yep, all the time. But, we knew as smart riders that car traffic and transportation engineering and the city itself had evolved efficiently and more actively around the car and motorcycle- NOT the bicycle. 


If you wanted to get anywhere as a bicyclist within the city, you needed to “Go with the flow”, without a bit of energy on your part or risks taken, there were no rewards!


Enter 2018 Seattle. Arguably the most liberal and expanding city in the U.S.A. , if you discount San Francisco, Los Angeles or Austin Texas. Here, within this military industrial mall, Greenism and Communitarianism is in full force! I could go on and on (Perhaps in a future blog post) about Seattle’s more recent adoption and construction of bicycle lanes and their pathetic lack of use while clogging the real traffic of the Corporate Complex a.k.a. Downtown. But for this abstract, we are going to focus on my local neighborhood and what I am witnessing.


The once beautiful winding road that I use as a primer warm up route and segue into the city is also the one in which I learned to ride a motorcycle. Lake Washington Blvd. About a seven or so mile stretch that edges nicely with it’s namesake Lake Washington. This road provides wonderful views and curvy flat places that entices all folks bicycle, motorcycle, tourists and shorty-shorts wearing runners.


So………OK! I get it! We ALL love this area.


Hell, there are folks who have paid and will continue paying millions upon millions of dollars to live here.


Do I have a particular problem with the recent growth of traffic or tourism in the area? Well, honestly, we all do! But does this keep me from riding my motorcycle? Not at all (It will eventually make me move away- that’s another story). Do I have a problem with the amount of “Lime Bikes” being discarded carelessly in the lake water itself, being hung on trees or left in taxpaying property owners yards? Well, it does get folks a bit bent out of shape thinking that one groups green business model is an others irresponsible multitude of discarded toxic trash heaps that we, as a society, are certain that we are co-paying for in some form or another. BUT, does this keep myself from riding my motorcycle? Nope! Do the addicts in parked cars keep me from riding? No, as a matter of fact they leave me alone and enjoy their own views as well. Do the wanna-be housewives looking for a “Quickie” wearing their teaser shorts while running along the lake as their husbands are at the office inhibit my Motorcycling? Why, of course not! I rather enjoy witnessing their scantily clad adornments while I BRAP in their passing! 


So what DOES block and promises to further disrupt my motorcycle riding progression and pleasure?


It’s this new Holier-Than-Thou attitude of the current crop of bicyclists! No, as a matter of fact, I am not only blaming the newer generations of spoke-heads, but also the many riders with a bit of gray at the temples who meet for a pseudo club ride on a Sunday as well. So how does this new attitude manifest itself you may be wondering?


Allow me to edify. This current crop of bicyclists seem hell-bent on making anti-vehicle statements to Cagers as well as all other four wheeled and two-wheeled motorcycles by which they may encounter on the boulevard. They make these statements by riding directly in the middle of the road, grouping together so not a single car or other vehicle may pass, stopping (Yes, I know that this is hard to believe- I couldn’t myself until I personally witnessed it!) and parking their bikes whether owned or rented in the center lane of the road, riding as a single cyclist in the middle of the lane or AGAINST traffic on the other side as well as leaving the current swarm of borrowed lime bikes everywhere.


There have been many occasions where a single cyclist is holding back twenty or so cars while they sleepily gaze into their smartphone while pushing their pedals at ten mph.!


But, here is the deal! They have the right to! Yep, and I agree whole heartily. You see, all the way towards the end of the parkway (Or the beginning depending on where you start) there is a small parking sized sign close to the ground upon which inconspicuously reads “Bicyclists Have the Right Of Way”.


So there we have it. “Bicyclists Have the Right Of Way”. Small sign to be sure, but do we need to look up it’s legality? No, this is Seattle and as long as this sign underscores this city’s commitment to Greenism, Communitarianism or the supposed environment; it cannot be questioned.


But, I do have questions! Does the right of way permit a bicyclist to slow down traffic or even that of emergency vehicles (This I witnessed first hand, also keep in mind that although there are walking paths along the lake, parallel to it is still a viable road upon which a whole neighborhood was built and was originally designed by the Olmstead family to accommodate….wait for it………CARS!- gasp!). Does the Bicyclists Right of Way intend to protect the rights of the new crop of uninsured 35 mph electric bicycles that are all the rage and are menacing car lanes, pedestrian traffic as well as speeding by quietly without any drivers license or registration? Does this same right-of-way grant these wanna-be category team riders to carry over their gaggle of cyclists to outside of the park and onto NON Right-of-way streets and hog up a whole lane while shooting-shit about work? Only to then look back and laugh at the long line of cars attempting to get home or to their own employ? (Why must these same Cyclists assume that people within those cars which they stall or are gaming can NOT be cyclists themselves? Perhaps having to dress that very day or for any other reason cannot be on a bicycle at that very moment as the cyclist in action?). Does this same Bicyclists Right-of-Way give them the right to leave there GPS rented Lime Bikes where Geese or other wildlife gather? Does this same Right-of-Way permit a rented bike rider to ride at night on the yellow lane divider line, in complete darkness just ‘Cuz it was fun while they were high?


None of these behaviors make me want to, as a motorcyclist, support their own “Greenism”. I ask myself often whether they realize that many who are Cagers-for-the-day may ALSO be cyclists at other times? I wonder if they ride motorcycles!


Without lane splitting and the City of Seattle’s illustrated contempt for all things ‘Motorcycle’, there really isn’t much for a motorcyclist to do but just follow behind the super rude cyclists while they have there fun. If you are lucky and not stuck between cars and mega on-coming traffic on the other side, you MAY get the chance to break free and curse your abusers as you weave away to or from the city. 


This morning I was pissed. As I took the little ninja through it’s morning weaves and turns it groaned as usual hooking or engine breaking hard around many obstacles both mean and clueless. This I didn’t have a problem with. What I DID have a problem with is that, after riding downtown, I decided to take on the Lake and it’s marvelous boulevard on the way back. But, guess what! I not only couldn’t enter the road due to newly posted signs (Probably put up twenty minutes prior!). The signs read: “ROAD CLOSED DETOUR (Arrow pointed away) Bicycle Day from 10 am to 7 pm”.


Well fancy that! I thought that everyday was Bicycle Day on Lake Washington Blvd.! 
Here is the deal. Why couldn’t the city post a warning sign to the early risers, or neighbors who live there and tourists who might get caught in between the signs? Why couldn’t the signs have been posted the night before?


Here is my theory why they weren’t. The city, in all of their blind Climate Control, wanted there to be maximum impact for the evil combustion engine vehicle driving class. They wanted, like myself, to have a multitude of scurrying vehicles trying to figure out how to gain access to their own neighborhoods and living areas. The desired effect would be a swift, surprising kick in-the-pants as your regular middle class Joe and Mary try to figure out how they get back home……..! Hey, I bet they may have also been forced to rent a Communitarian Green rental bike and ride along with everyone else!


Look, there are a myriad of concerns which I bring up here. Regardless of what YOU the reader thinks, I LOVE BICYCLES. I love bike design. I wanted to start a bicycling museum for cripes sakes! What I don’t love is this new ‘As long as it involves a smartphone, is tech or considered “GREEN”- It’s A GO!’ philosophy or hipster ideal. 


You can argue the merits of my little Ninjas exhaust on the world. But I can argue PLENTY about the billions of phones (Mini Computers), electronics, batteries, and caustic bicycle materials that add up to trillions in caustic cubic inches of damage and debris on the environment. 


My little ninja and I just wanted to get home without harassment and safely on two wheels!





MOTSQUIRREL 7/11/2018-

SMARTYPANTS bar and bistro (Renton and Georgetown locations WA

Do Ya’ want some yummy in your tummy after some room-a-zoom ZOOMY?

What makes a GREAT motorcycle food stop? Well, everyone has their own idea of what makes for a memorable place to stop with fellow riders. We, here at Motosquirrel, know that there isn’t one specific formula which makes any single bike stop better than all the others.

Formula is also a word that often denotes a familiar or schemed set of ingredients meant to accomplish a certain goal. Unlike surviving old-time biker haunts, when it comes to Motorcycle rest-stops and the like, it would seem that the ONE type of riders refuge that you would think should and would get especially ignored by many, is the kind of road eatery that has been specifically formulated to attract all kinds of bikers and their families or friends.

This opinion would be, as is the case with Smarty Pants of Georgetown….. entirely wrong!

Smartypants, established 2003,(Gotta love their name and logo) are two sister locations of both bistro bar and small breakfast, lunch or dinner fare restaurants situated in both Burien and Georgetown WA.
The Georgetown location has more recently become a notable gathering place for all things bike and ground zero for local Seattle, Burien, Georgetown and Renton cycle events or rides.

Enter either bistro venue, and you will be instantly amazed (as a rider 


of course) at all of the hanging motorcycling photos, 

posters, memorabilia and all things motorbike! Why yes, even an actual bike or two and collected motor parts the not-so keen eyed cannot miss!



Perhaps you’d rather DIE than miss Saturday’s Moto GP race via the big LED screen at home while you’re out with friends? Not a problem! Smartypants is always tuned in to internationally followed as well as locally 

televised races. If there aren’t any races, it is easy to get caught up in a motorcycle movie plot or two playing on the tele as well as music that always fits the riding 












We know, we know! You say that the interior is worth a look, but what about the food? This place specializes in highly satisfying hot food, sandwiches and burgers that feel like the most fun hamburger stand plus sandwich shop creations on steroids! A playful menu which includes the names of meals that will make you smile and also satisfy your tummy with such names as: “Falcone”, “Ms. Piggy”, “Thunderbird” as well as “Pit Boss”, to make your mouth water- especially after a long cold or hot ride! Combine several tasty creations with a full bar plus hot coffee with breakfasts served late as brunch on weekends and you have not just an enthusiasts place to hang out in, but also, a great place to meet friends or as a beginning or end to a memorable ride. In a hurry?- Most of the Smartypants menu is also available To Go!


The coolest thing about both Smartypants locations is that they smoothly change into night-time rider haunts with full bar and seating with plenty of dark places to have intimate or hardy conversations with friends without ever feeling intimidating! It is not uncommon to catch a Moto-Bingo night. Bring on the food prizes and this Motosquirrel WILL BE PLAYING!

In Motosquirrels opinon, what makes both of these locations future iconic moto-stop standards that we will remember for many decades to come (And, perhaps, has helped Smartypants to survive almost two decades of local and national economic turmoil) is not the motorcycling nostalgia, photos, T.V. monitors or all the past, current or future riding events that begin or end there. It is, however, the fun attitudes as well as the great service that Smartypants servers, bar staff and relaxed atmosphere that encourages you to park your bikes out front and your beers on the table! Sit a while, order some food, catch the races on T.V. and grab a Smartypants bumper sticker on the way out……you’re gonna want to let others know where to see you next time! Ride your bike to Smartypants wear your Smartysmile! We will see you there!


Many Cheers!- Motosquirrel


***All Graphics, Products or Promotional Materials are the sole property of SmartyPants Restaurants. This is an unpaid review and not in anyway legally connected to SmartyPants it’s employees, associates or representatives.







Maverick CS Classic Short Wrist

Deerskin Leather Glove $58.95

Do YOU want Awesome that FITS??- I

know that I do!





Can a pair of motorcycle gloves mean the difference between riding and NOT riding? Can moto gloves (or boots for that matter) be the most important or close to the most important gear (Besides a shell on your head) that you wear while riding?

I am here to relay to you a resounding: Yes! Just as no two competing manufacturers gloves are constructed or presented the same, so too are no two pairs of human hands that are born identical.
Manufacturers of all motorcycle clothing do their best (in most cases) to “Shoot for the middle” when it comes to pleasing as many riders as possible. Fitment, comfort, protection and style must be made to suit the most average proportions when it comes to the moto-clothing market.
But- What do you do if you are someone like myself that has “Odd” or unusually proportioned, shaped, possibly injured, uneven hands- or even someone who is missing a digit or two?

What if, due to dermal


sensitivities or outright allergies

to many manufactured and not

properly tested materials, you are

limited to just a few materials

available to wear?

It is time to start thinking outside

the box, or in the case of the

Long-Lived classically crafted

glove manufacturer Churchill

Gloves of Washington State, it is

time to get back to the “Box” or basic!

Having been born with and growing very short-fingered, flatter digits, wide palmed and short wristed hand parts, it has always been very difficult for me to find gloves that will fit or conform to my hands. (If you don’t suffer from outrageous proportions- I envy you!).

Involving my appendages in many hobbies and adorning my hands with the proper equipment is not always a problem and often I can make-do with a little extra glove finger hanging over my pinky, thumb, index or all fingers!

But what about motorcycling? Well, it seems that so many gloves I try or see reviewed suffer from what I call “Material Bloat”. Before we go further to define this term, I want to communicate something more perfectly clear: when it comes to moto gloves and safety- you must wear as much protection as you can, but still ambulate, move fingers freely, operate controls and, hopefully, withstand a certain amount of accidents. Pay attention to that last part: “But still ambulate, move fingers freely, operate controls and, hopefully, withstand a certain amount of accidents”!.

Here lies the contradiction: You cannot operate your motorcycle if your hands are so proportioned (Small, Large, Irregular) as to only allow the extra and unfitting swaths of material of a terrible fitting glove to hang, bunch up, block or otherwise slip when operating a throttle or clutch. Much of riding resides in the ability to finely and precisely position your fingers so as to manipulate these controls and often VERY quickly, or subtly.

In my own case, so many gloves (Even the ones that promise a flatter inner palm face) bunch up increasingly as I ride. I get hot spots, grips don’t spin as material gets caught and feel is non-existent. Often times I find myself squeezing with pain a front brake as I try to slip a throttle closed. When you have small hands especially, or wide short fingers in my case, there is nowhere for the glove material to go except for bunching up in a circle surrounding your controls. Add to this a pair that also doesn’t fit and instead you have gloves that hang out all over, or in the case of large hands, cutting off all circulation in a cold season…..well you could lose a digit from frost bite!


Technology is always changing,

therefore we must keep open, keep our

awareness heads on a swivel and be

willing to try new products when they

come out. This Moto-Blogger is well

aware of some of the finest examples of

GP racing gloves, ADV gloves,

Streetfighter gloves and on-and-on with

so many companies offering the latest in exotic materials, high-end knuckle

protection and even thermal heating or

ventilation. But all of these fine and evolving products mean nothing if they

do not FIT you, cause pain, disrupt your use of control areas or are unbearable due to material use.

There are so many gloves that I covet, but alas, will never be able to wear!

Did I mention that I am also allergic to spandex or polyester? Hmmm…you can see my choices narrowing before your eyes!

Enter Churchill glove company. For many years I have been wearing deerskin gloves for both driving and multi-purpose uses. Even Winter hiking. Deerskin is an exceptional natural leather that is amazingly strong, yet supple, form fitting (Will conform to your individual contours if fitment is right), stretches a bit where needed, and even has a strange way of being warm in slightly colder weather (About 50 degrees with less wind) and is not as hot as you would think up till about 80 degree heat. It resists abrasion well and can act as a second skin when coming in contact with rough materials at lower speeds or accidently touching hot motorparts (Think side-of-the-road repairs). It also provides great dexterity and a unique ability to let you know something is cold or hot to the touch without melting or stifinning up as many man-made materials do.

When I was fed up early this Spring while wearing a pair of Winter rated gloves (Bunching up once again and almost causing a bumper buck on my part), a friend of mine who has been riding ions longer than myself pulled out an OLD pair of Churchill gloves that were black in color and technically a size SMALLER than I would normally wear. Here’s the catch. This pair was over twenty years old! Although I would never recommend wearing a pair of anything protective that was this old, I couldn’t help but marvel at their hardy construction, supple look and feel as well as the way they actually stretched to conform and fit on my odd paws!

My first question was: “What the heck are these!”. My friend proceeded to tell me of the great history of this unique American made leather company that is about a hundred and twenty years old!- That is a long time!

Located in Centralia Washington, Churchill glove company has been a small-to-mid sized business run by a dedicated crew of craftspeople and employees who create an exceptional product here in good Ol’ USA. Yep, I repeat, right here in the States! They have persevered through economic and fashion trends and family business generations to provide a product without equal: A mostly hand crafted, patterned, sewn, stretched, cured and altered to fit or customized (More on this later!) pair of leather deerskin gloves.

Although this great little company has you covered for Winter, Spring and even Summer vented gloves, do not expect a massive selection of styles. They specialize in form following function. The “Maverick” glove line, as example is a simple all-purpose two to three season short glove for those looking for simplicity, good fit and no bobbles and bobs that get in the way of riding. They have longer gauntlet options, Poron palm protection options, Thinsulate™ lined winter offerings and……wait for it……..dual or multi color options!

This is where things get interesting. Because this company is small (Not some company with a fancy name but basically being designed and run in Asia), they have and welcome the idea of working with you in creating the pair of gloves that you want (Within reason of course). You say you want a dark English Green palm side, but black leather throughout?- No Problem! Would you like an extra long gauntlet type made with or without straps for a better Harley look- No problem! Do you have special needs when it comes to missing a few digits, unusual hands, or even perhaps you want to create a group of gloves with an insignia or initials embossed in the leather- No Problem! Special perforations on the back of the hand?- No Problem!

So……how do you get a pair of these great, simple, get-the-job-done gloves?
You do what I did. I measured my hands according to the Churchill online guide, filled out their order form, specified the color and left a note as to how I was going to use my gloves etc.

But! Don’t do what I did! Like so many other reviewers/consumers out there, I waited impatiently for my gloves to arrive, like Yesterday! Unlike most of our spoiled online transactions which are purchased through massive internet vendors and have a relationship with distribution sites and air-carriers, Churchill gloves are special and made-to-order. There is a wait time of about two to three weeks prior to your new gloves finding their new home. Any customization should take longer.

Pricing (In this reviewers opinion), is exceptional for an American made product, of fine materials, crafted to suit and are one-of-a-kind. Maverick gloves will run you about 58.00 to 98.00 dollars U.S. . Special features such as straps etc. add to the final price. They also ship throughout the world.





Upon receiving my new Churchill Mavericks I was, at first, underwhelmed by the package! Being trained at getting everything in oversized boxes by the worlds largest retailer(s), I was a bit surprised to find just a simple manila envelope handed to me by my postal person. Missing inside was the typical flashy retailer hook-hole display packaging (You won’t find Churchill at your typical Moto-Big-Box store but only at finer retailers) and added nonsense that makes you feel that your product may have had many stops, sniffs or perusals by third parties or strange returns etc.

What you DO get is simply a fine pair of black deerskin gloves sealed within a very tough see-thru plastic bag.

When I greedily opened the bag, put the right side glove on, closed the strap and clasped my hand, what I felt was amazing! Nothing ever, out-of-the box fit my hand as this glove did. I knew these gloves were ready to ride!


Addendum: Material Bloat (According to MOTOSQUIRREL): When a manufacturer unnecessarily adds excessive material, additions, parts, colors, packaging, decorations, graphics or proportions that are way beyond the intended purpose of design in order to capture the attention of the consumer or retail buyer to boost sales.
Look for a follow-up review on these fantastic Maverick gloves this Summer!


Purchasing via online retailers at:


Amazon: Churchill Classic Short Wrist Deerskin Motorcycle Gloves Made in America Black (Medium)
by Churchill Classic Short Wrist

JRCglove.com: Maverick CS Classic Short Wrist Deerskin Leather Glove



Other options in this line-up by Churchill Gloves include:


Maverick CSA Classic Short Wrist Vented Back
Price: $60.95
Maverick CSPA Classic Short Wrist Padded Palm Vented Back
Price: $82.95
Maverick C Classic Deerskin Leather Glove. Arnold Schwarzenegger wore this style in the movie T3.
Price: $58.95
Maverick CA Classic Standard Wrist Vented
Price: $60.95
Maverick CPA Classic Standard Wrist Padded Palm Vented Back
Price: $82.95
Maverick CP Classic Poron™ Padded Palm
Price: $80.95
Maverick CT Classic 100 gram Thinsulate™ Insulation
Price: $75.95
Maverick CTW Classic 100 gram Thinsulate™ with Sympatex Insert
Price: $98.95
Price: $118.95